Sep 18, 2016

Sunday trip

SUNday, thankfully not cloudday. We jumped in the car, went and picked up my dad, and headed off to the cottage to enjoy the great weather. It is wonderful to live this close to the cottage. Only a short drive for some peace and quiet in the nature.
I had packed with me some goodies. The only downside was that the sugar woke up what seemed like a million wasps (ok there were three, but still..) and they would not let us eat in peace. A lot of running around screaming while eating.
Otherwise, just a lovely way to spend the day.

Laughed at the label on the doughnuts. It said "perusmunkki" with means like "basic bun".. Haha.

Follow me on snapchat: PrinsessaVaness(leave out the a in the end ;)

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